Best Friends Kids Club

Best Friends Kids Club is the first English kindergarten in Trenčín. Our school guarantees safety, confidence, and offers more than just “babysitting”. We strive for perfection as our preschool will become a vital part of your child’s life.

The childhood cannot be repeated and is very important foundation for the rest of our lives.

Meet our kindergarten

Montessori education

Montessori Education is recognized world-wide.

Children lead by the Montessori school begins to write, read and count at pre-school age spontaneously. The aim of this education is to encourage your child's natural desire to learn, to promote friendly relationship between teacher and child, and support the ability of the teacher to positively motivate the child.

Get to know Montessori

English for the youngest ones

At an early age, children learn foreign languages very easily. The reason is that just learning the language (whether native or foreign) is one of the sensitive period in which children go through during their development.

Learning a second language at an early age helps to develop the child's brain cells and his intelligence. Language learning at this age should not be a goal but rather a mean - the child focuses on games and various other activities, the language is only a supplementary means. The child connects the word directly to the object or activity they are performing.

More about teaching English


If you are interested in placing your child in our preschool, we offer enrollment at any time during the school year if our capacity is not filled.

Application to kindergarten

Our classes

  • Hippo

    Each lesson includes creative fantasy world in which children speak English and are accompanied by the friend Hippo.

    The children are going through the adventures of Hippo and his friends using happy songs and stories every day.

    Viac o Hippo Lesson

  • Montessori

    In the Montessori classroom space is divided into several logical parts using low open shelving: one shelve is for practical exercises from life, one for sensory perception, one for the language, another one for counting and arithmetic, the study of culture, which includes the basics of geography, history, science and a section dedicated to creative activities.

    Viac o Montessori Lesson

  • Music

    Music is a human activity that benefits children in many ways. Education in the area of music and movement gives children the opportunity to express themselves, express their feelings, experiences and ideas. In the Best Friends Kids Club kids meet a qualified music teacher in regular intervals.

    Viac o Music Lesson

  • Dance lesson

    Tanec je emocionálnym vyjadrením pomocou pohybu. Od začiatku učí deti k vnímaniu hudby, rytmu a je súčasťou kultúry každého národa. Rozvíja mozog, pamäť, koncentráciu a pomáha uvoľňovať myseľ. Naučí deti svoje telá kontrolovať a pracovať s nimi. Ich svalstvo sa naučí reagovať na podnety, ktoré vysiela mozog omnoho rýchlejšie.

    Viac o Dance lesson

  • Yoga

    Detská jóga je dokonalý cvičebný systém pre deti, prináša deťom radosť, zdravšie telo, pokojnejšiu myseľ a harmóniu. Detská joga je hlavne o podpore radosti z pohybu, tvorivosti, rešpektovaní jedinečnosti dieťaťa a nesúťažení.

    Viac o Yoga Lesson

  • Gym

    In this area, Best Friends Kids Club aims to encourage children to grow and to develop in a healthy way. We lead them in a way that they can make the right decisions in the area of their health and fitness. Children are constantly moving. They move when learning, and when changing to new activities.

    Viac o Gym Lesson


Get to know our references

  • Martina and Quidko Pokorní

    „When I asked my 4-year-old son a simple question about what he liked about preschool, he said it was the fun of learning Jolly Phonics and the friends he made at preschool. Best Friends Kids Club is a one-of-a-kind preschool...“

  • Petra Mišúnová with her daughter Margareta

    „The first years of a child's life are certainly the most important ones in his life. That's why we chose Best Friends Kids Club for several reasons when choosing a preschool. First of all, it is the individual approach in all areas, not only social but also those of...“

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